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Distributorship Agreement-With Provision


a. The parties hereto agree that [Name of distributor] shall be the exclusive sales agent in the United States for products manufactured at [city and country] by [Name of manufacturer] and marketed under the following trademarks and tradenames: [Name of trademark].

b. [Distributor] shall continue to have the exclusive right to use such trademarks and tradenames in the United States, unless and until either party shall notify the other in writing of the termination of such exclusive sales agency, in which event such exclusive sales agency shall terminate, together with all rights and privileges relating thereto, [Days after receipt of notice] days after receipt of such notice.

c. [Name of manufacturer] hereby assigns to [Name of distributor] all rights, title and interest in and to such trademarks and tradenames insofar as they relate to the United States, together with the good shall of the business in the United States symbolized by such trademarks and tradenames, and including any trademark registration obtained on such trademarks and tradenames in the United States.

d. If such exclusive sales agency is terminated as provided above, [Name of distributor] agrees to reassign to [Name of manufacturer], on request, on the effective date of such termination or on such subsequent date as [Name of manufacturer] may request, all rights, title and interest in and to such trademarks and tradenames, together with the good shall of the business symbolized by such trademarks and tradenames, and including all registrations obtained in the United States on such trademarks and tradenames.